Thursday, October 20, 2016

Self-Driving Cars in Our Streets!

While driving to work this morning, I took advantage of sitting at a red light (and with no traffic behind me) to quickly snap this photo of an Uber self-driving car.

It's a bit of a treat to see. I am guessing that they might have just dropped someone off. There were 2 people in the front and the car was sitting there for awhile.

I wonder if the car made the decision to 'park' so close to an intersection, it almost looks like a blind spot for a car turning right onto our street. Especially with that truck right there. Unless it was dropping off as close as possible to a particular address. That's an interesting consideration for a learning system. Is the AI in this car designed to try to "be better?" Or does it learn because of the data we feed it and then it drives around to validate that data? So it needs to drive more to improve its data for location services. So to speak.

But what about taking other things into consideration? Like, 'who do other cars see or not see me?'

Still, glad to see scientists pushing an envelope and working on innovations. In the long run, there will be benefits to all of this.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Coming Towards Me, Really!

Grr. I'm driving from Panera Bread near Magee through Oakland and back to Squirrel Hill on Forbes. That's when I see a cyclist going in the opposite direction on Forbes, then moves to my lane...against me. I can't move left, there's a car in that lane. I can't move right, it's the sidewalk. And he's riding towards me! I slow, slow, slow down. He finally hops the curb to continue riding on the side walk.


Ignorant Cyclist- 1

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Clueless Pedestrians

Was about to cross a street at an intersection in Oakland after lunch when a siren in the distance got louder. Everyone around me except for these two people who decided to non-chalantly step off the curb and into the crosswalk. The ambulance was really close and I cringed. Just in time, one of them looked up, stepped back, and pulled her friend with her.

It's 1pm, on a crowded block, Thursday afternoon. And we're in UPMC area (hospitals)!

Pay attention!

Ignorant Pedestrians- 2

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Seems a little quiet these days...

Okay, nothing beyond some basic rudeness, and some basic niceness has been happening since. I wanted to compile the data for September  and have a total for the month. I'll try and do that this weekend.

So, saw cars honk in traffic, and it didn't help anyone. I saw cars let me turn into a lane in front of them. Including a police car. Had someone tailgate me an hour outside the city, they seem to speed a lot in the country.

Not as many cyclists, but it's been a little rainy, too. Or maybe, football season has started so there's a lot less cars on the roads in Pittsburgh?